Conversation Between Amerikaner83 and
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Amerikaner83
    06-29-2015 07:42 PM
    I used one of the shades of red, more like a magenta but not quite.

    I actually ended up going with a blue overlay though in the end, I thought it fit my theme better Be sure to do the "clock always bright" mod if you put an overlay on thee though, as you won't be able to see it otherwise.
    06-26-2015 01:22 AM
    Oh okay, so you did do that. It looks just like a a white LCD. Did you use the red or magenta film?
  3. Amerikaner83
    06-25-2015 04:19 PM
    I just used tinted overlays to get the clock color I can get a sample pack from a craft store or lighting supply store or whatever...they're called "lee filter media" iirc. Place that between the clock VFD itself and the cover to test colors.
    06-25-2015 02:16 AM
    Hello, I was wondering if you can tell me how you got the clock LCD to become white as as well. Like in this photo:

    Thank you

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