Conversation Between schmellyfart and nodora97
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. schmellyfart
    08-09-2010 11:20 PM
    They are pretty nice. Install was a piece of cake. The overall ride is smoother and they provide better traction when I launch.
  2. nodora97
    08-09-2010 10:48 PM
    Awesome! How does it feel?
  3. nodora97
    04-16-2010 05:17 PM
    Sounds good, Sun 4/25
  4. schmellyfart
    04-16-2010 01:17 PM
    Yeah, I can do Sunday morning.

  5. nodora97
    04-16-2010 12:50 PM
    I was looking at the led light thread and the both clusters you did are awesome... I cant wait!
  6. nodora97
    04-16-2010 12:32 PM
    Sounds good... I am almost always available Sun. morning. Good?
  7. schmellyfart
    04-16-2010 11:38 AM
    Sometime next weekend?
  8. nodora97
    04-16-2010 09:15 AM
    Yea, lets do it. When do you have time?
  9. nodora97
    04-12-2010 08:02 PM
    White... Will the dimming switch still work? Do you have a spare while you do mine?
  10. schmellyfart
    04-12-2010 10:35 AM
    Right now, I only have red, white, and blue.

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