Conversation Between Rood and R34maxima582
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. R34maxima582
    12-26-2009 06:33 AM
    will do. hey i might be in chicago sometime soone anyways, my women wants to go to china town and do some shopping from her incom tax money lol go figure. as for me my money is goin to you know what har har.
  2. R34maxima582
    12-25-2009 08:57 AM
    i been there once or twice. not to familiar with the adrea though, cuase i dont have a lotta busines or any purpose to be there lol, ya know what i mean?
  3. R34maxima582
    12-22-2009 09:15 PM
    eastern part (sheboygan) you?

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