Conversation Between firebirdsecret and Tippy Toes
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. firebirdsecret
    03-23-2010 08:05 PM
    thanksfor the reply on the rims n tires bro
  2. Tippy Toes
    03-20-2010 08:01 AM
    Car is looking nice bro. I'll Have to check pics of your lights and see if you have some night shots. Trying to get around to this project eventually. As far as the g37 they're replicas off tire rack 18". The tires are some cheap Nexen3000's, total package was in the $13-14 hundo range.
  3. firebirdsecret
    03-19-2010 10:18 PM
    how come ur profile pics r so small bro?
  4. firebirdsecret
    03-19-2010 10:17 PM
    i love your max bro i just wanted to know how much did you pay for your g37s rims n tires?they look hot by the way

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