Conversation Between Reality sucks and hellfyre
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Reality sucks
    04-20-2010 08:04 PM
    my issues turned out to be voltage related, my upper radiator inlet and hose were spraying coolant into the alternator, thus causing a short to ground, at idle there was no load so the car ran, but in gear and trying to drive, the alt couldnt handle the stress, i would sit and watch coolant drip and the alt, arc and the car would idle down, i replaced both and no issues since.
  2. hellfyre
    04-19-2010 04:00 PM
    Hey. Did you ever mange to fix the idle issue that you had on drive at a complete stop with no idle issues when you go into neutral?

    I am having the same issues and haven't figured the source out.

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