Conversation Between MrGone and MAXIMA2605
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. MAXIMA2605
    09-13-2012 11:01 PM
    Gd'morn bro...we dont know each other, but I have a minor issue im sure.
    This is actually Michael Bonner(lowpro19s here)
    Dude...I have a problem, I logged in yesterday and found that I was BANNED?? Ive sent 3 different emails back to the Admins I believe. Bro could you find out why and what happened? I know that I havent gotten into any beefs..(I dont get into that crap). Holla back at me bro...My Yahoo is b0ner27@yahoo and the email for this TEMP user name is b0ner36@gmail. Thanks son...

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