Conversation Between Hectic and CapedCadaver
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. CapedCadaver
    09-27-2010 10:12 PM
    i still post in the regional eection, just don't have a 3rd gen anymore so i don't post in the 3rd gen section.
  2. Hectic
    09-27-2010 09:49 PM
    Where ya been man? 24,924 posts in a couple years is enough?
  3. CapedCadaver
    06-25-2009 09:56 AM
    it was nice. I feel like some brain cells grew back after not reading the stupid crap they post in the 3G forum for a week.
  4. Hectic
    06-25-2009 05:47 AM
    How was the vacation?

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