Conversation Between Bonka and Semper13
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Semper13
    10-20-2009 12:33 PM
    hell yea dude, you got serious photography skills paired with a seriously clean car. You're like VISA, everywhere I wanna be. My desktop changes every minute, so I've got like 4000 pics in rotation, and havin some nice artistic clean maxima pix in there would be a nice addition. I got an i30t, but it's rarely clean enough to be picture worthy, not to mention my camera phone wouldn't be able to do it justice anyways. Ah, the life of a college student. :-)
  2. Bonka
    10-12-2009 02:45 PM
    Thanks for the comments. I think I have the larger res photos somewhere I can send them to you if you want

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