Conversation Between maximus_2 and ChrisMan287
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. ChrisMan287
    08-04-2011 09:19 AM
    No problem man, glad I could help.
  2. ChrisMan287
    08-01-2011 07:28 PM
    Needles use the same bulb, it's not seperate so that's a no go.
  3. ChrisMan287
    07-01-2011 10:37 PM
    No sir, they're plug and play. Just go onto eBay and type in T10 5 SMD LED and whatever color you want. You need five bulbs total.
  4. ChrisMan287
    04-28-2011 10:03 PM
    If you have a '95-'97 you can use T10 5 SMD LED bulbs like me.

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