Conversation Between VQ'rInWLA and Heero88
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. VQ'rInWLA
    05-21-2012 08:44 PM
    Good mang. Im fresh out and ready to get back in the game! What wheels are you lookin at? How much you want for the tsw's? Shoot me a pic of em. Kinda remember em but kinda dont
  2. Heero88
    05-21-2012 07:32 PM
    hey how have you been no i still like the tsw but need to step my game up ^_^
  3. VQ'rInWLA
  4. VQ'rInWLA
    07-14-2011 06:52 AM
    Thought you might be interested. Fogs
  5. VQ'rInWLA
    07-01-2011 12:47 AM
    Just requested you
  6. Heero88
    07-01-2011 12:40 AM
    black grey ill load them on my face book if u want to look for me Eric Martinez or email my image has the gauges done in led blue
  7. VQ'rInWLA
    07-01-2011 12:35 AM
    those are sick!!! what color?
  8. Heero88
    06-30-2011 11:37 PM
    im ok thanks i wanted those other one because i wanted to make my max have a stock stance plus i have brand new Falken tire's collecting dust so i was gonna use those but i just went and found a set of tsw thruxton 18 for the car so now i need to call james and tell him i feel bad tho lol hes sitting on those wheels for a while
  9. VQ'rInWLA
    06-30-2011 09:33 PM
    I have some I30 Limited stock wheels I need to sell since Im moving out. Ill sell it you for cheaper than my asking price
  10. Heero88
    06-30-2011 09:02 PM
    its kew just let me know when u get it ill just take a day off of work im still trying to get that y pipe

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