Conversation Between Trini Boom and anatol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. anatol
    11-13-2017 09:46 AM
    Hi Trini Boom,

    I have 95 maxima and trying to fix oil leak. I was looking over internet and found your post dated back to 2010. I had exactly the same issue when oil is collected on rear exhaust manifold lower studs.
    Recently I replaced valve cover gaskets. Did everything right I suppose. Still smell the burning oil. Went to car wash station, cleaned the engine has driven a bit, went under and see the dripping oils from the lower studs.

    Would you be so grateful and tell me what did you find at the end of your attempt to repair the issue then. I see lot of suggestions but all about timing cover, PS pump, O-rings, etc. Does not seem to be really related.
    Thank you,

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